20 Random Fun Facts About the Victorian Era

Victorian Era fun facts
Victorian Era history and culture

What is the Victorian Era?

20 Victorian Era Facts

  1. The Victorian Era saw the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell.
  2. Queen Victoria reigned for 63 years, making her one of the longest-reigning monarchs in history.
  3. The first Christmas card was sent in 1843.
  4. London’s population grew from 1 million to 6.7 million during this period.
  5. Charles Dickens wrote many of his famous works during the Victorian Era.
  6. The Great Exhibition of 1851 showcased the wonders of the Industrial Revolution.
  7. Victorian fashion included elaborate dresses and top hats.
  8. Child labor was common until reforms were introduced.
  9. The penny-farthing bicycle was a popular mode of transport.
  10. The Victorian Era saw the establishment of many public parks.
  11. Homes were often heated with coal fires.
  12. The phrase “Victorian morality” refers to the strict social codes of the time.
  13. The first underground railway, the London Underground, opened in 1863.
  14. The Jack the Ripper murders occurred in the late Victorian Era.
  15. Many Victorian homes had indoor plumbing installed for the first time.
  16. The Victorian Era witnessed the height of the British Empire.
  17. Etiquette books were widely read and followed.
  18. Queen Victoria married her cousin, Prince Albert.
  19. The first postage stamp, the Penny Black, was issued in 1840.
  20. Gothic Revival architecture was popular during the Victorian Era.
Interesting Victorian Era facts